Always prioritise quality over cost with roofing and select a skilled roofing company that utilises quality products to repair your roof. Don’t be fooled by local ads promoting discount prices for roof restorations!
During KWR Roofing routine roof checks, we commonly encounter four roofing issues as a result of work completed by a ‘quick fix’ roofer.
- Instead of properly addressing damaged roof materials, quick fixes are frequently employed.
- Sub-standard materials are used, which deteriorate at a faster rate compared to high-quality products.
- Paint is used to cover all evils!
- Improper roof preparation prior to commencing the repair has caused greater damage.
Many clients engage us to fix the repairs of a cost-cutting roofer, highlighting the need to engage quality roofing solutions.
Signs to be aware of that might highlight an untrustworthy roofer may include;
- Inability to present evidence of their previous work.
- Not offering guarantees/warranties on their services.
- Inability to provide proof of their licence and certifications.
- Failing to provide paperwork/documentation to support the completed work.
Why choose KWR Roofing?
KWR Roofing is a reputable family business with 25 years of experience. Our dedicated team of honest tradesmen takes pride in every job, regardless of its size. We prioritize delivering exceptional results, which is why we exclusively utilise premium materials such as Industrial Roof Coatings roof paint products, VELUX skylights, and Colorbond steel.
For more information about our range of products and services, contact our friendly team at 07 3847 1031 or